Rewind the time Face Lift Surgery

Face Lift Surgery

  •  赫尔希整形外科
  • 手术费用 : 商谈后决定

医院 Graph

  • 专业性




关联 Tag


手术时间 -
麻醉方法 -
住院治疗 -
拆线 -
入院治疗 -
恢复时间 -

Face Lift
Facelift refers to the surgery, ​which corrects the nasolabial folds and area below the eyes by lifting drooping skin and soft-skin when facial areas droop other than forehead, where significant aging signs appear.

Surgical Procedure
1) Incision line 2) After incision,
flap is stripped
3) By removing
eye-closing muscle
in shape
of circular sector
4) By removing
eye-closing muscle
in shape of circular sector
5) extra remaining
skin flap is removed
along the incision line.
​6) Sutured
Recommend to 
- For 40’s with severe drooping 

HERSHE exclusive Anti-aging System
HERSHE understands that unique characteristics
in each individual's complex aging symptoms require personalized solution. Hence, HESHE offers comprehensive anti-aging solution solution
by Anti-aging specialist with profound experience & expertise.



Before & After