Arumdaun Nara finalizes your acne treatment

Acne treatment

  •  ArumdaunNara Clinic
  • Surgery price : Decision after consultation

Hospital Graph

  • Specialty

    Brand awareness





Procedure time
Removal of stitches
Outpatient treatment
Recovery time

Photopneumatic (PPx) Therapy

This is a novel technology that combines pneumatic energy with
a broadbrand light source. It suctions skin to bring the acne to the surface,
then beaming it with the photo light to stun overactive oil glands and
kill existing bacteria.

Special story of Fix me up project team

We look for the best hospitals for an operation and monitor each facility’s service, satisfaction, and every case of the customers to ensure that we provide the surgery at the best condition and the lowest cost.

Before & After

Acne treatment