mouth protrusion surgery

  •  TL整形外科
  • 手术费用 : 商谈后决定

医院 Graph

  • 专业性




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手术时间 -
麻醉方法 -
住院治疗 -
拆线 -
入院治疗 -
恢复时间 -


The secret to the refined and sophisticated appearance is a classic and elegant mouth. It is effective when the gum is protruding forward rather than the teeth.
After removing 4 molars behind the canine to make a space,
the gum bon underneath it would be cut. Then, the gum bone
and the teeth are moved back ward as a whole. 




Surgical procedure

Anterior segmental osteotomy (ASO)

It is effective when the gum is protruding forward rather than the teeth. This is the most common surgery for the general protruding mouth. After removing 4 molars behind the canine to make a space, the gum bone underneath it would be cut. Then, the gum bone
and the teeth are moved backward as a whole.





Before & After