Non-incision Eyelid Ptosis Correction

Non-incision Eyelid Ptosis Correction

  •  Dream Plastic Surgery
  • ราคาศัลยกรรม : ตัดสินใจภายหลังเข้ารับคำปรึกษา

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  • ผู้เชี่ยวชาญ






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People who have small eyes are usually born with drooped eyes, or inability to open one’s eyes upon aging. The medical term for this phenomenon is known as "blepharoptosis”. In order to diagnose blepharoptosis, the strength of muscle of the upper eyelid (levator) when opening eyes is to be tested. Clearer impression is made by correction is the blepharoptosis.



 Surgery suitability

1. Small eyes due to genetically drooped eyelids

2. Eyes that experience difficulty opening due to aging

3. Half- closed eyes due to the weakened eyelid muscle



 The advantage of Non-incision Eyelid Ptosis Correction


1. There is no scarring because there is no incision.

2. As surgery time is very short, there is less swelling and faster recovery.

3. Natural lines of double eyelids are formed like the burial method.





Before & After