3D SMILE Lasik eye surgery

3D SMILE Lasik eye surgery

  •  首尔BalGeunSeSang眼科
  • 手术费用 : 商谈后决定

医院 Graph

  • 专业性




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手术时间 -
麻醉方法 -
住院治疗 -
拆线 -
入院治疗 -
恢复时间 -

● 3D SMILE Lasik eye surgery


Unlike Lasek and Lasik, this new method enables thorough vision correction with minimum incision in the form of solid curve without exposing the keratocyte. It minimizes corneal tissue damage by creating a small pocket using the high-speed femtosecond laser certified KFDA and Europe CE. It also does not create corneal flaps and removes only the parenchyma, thereby significantly reducing complications.



 Surgery information

§it doesn’t create corneal flaps.

§Duration of laser : 10 seconds

§After surgery, xerophthalmia rarely occurs and not painful

§visual stability after surgery: one month, vision will improve in 1 day (80%)

§Suitable for the patient with think corneas

§The day after surgery: washing face, shower, light make up, flying in airplanes

§One week after surgery:  daily activities (heavy drinking prohibited)



Before & After