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Plastic Surgery | Rhinoplasty

3D rhinoplasty

3D Rhinoplasty
KRW 5,000,000
Plastic Surgery | Face contouring


Marginal mandibulectomy
KRW 6,500,000
Plastic Surgery | Face contouring

Brazilian Hip

Brazilian Hip Augmentation
KRW 10,000,000
Plastic Surgery | Ophthalmoplasty

VIVID Eye Surgery

Partial incision+Ptosis correction+Epicanthoplasty
KRW 4,500,000
Plastic Surgery | Rhinoplasty

Low Nose

KRW 5,500,000
Dermatology | Wrinkles & Lifting

PRP Injection

Platelet rich plasma
KRW 4,200,000
Plastic Surgery | Face contouring

Protruded Lips Surgery

One-stop Service from Precision diagnosis to dental tratment
KRW 13,990,000
Plastic Surgery | Face contouring

Square jaw reduction

"V line" Square jaw reduction
KRW 11,000,000
Vulva Vaginoplasty | Vaginoplasty

Ring Vaginoplasty

Ring Vaginoplasty surgery
KRW 5,000,000
Plastic Surgery | Anti-aging


KRW 5,000,000
Plastic Surgery | Face contouring

3D malar Rotation

3D malar rotation
KRW 6,000,000