

쌍커플을 사진 처럼 만들고 싶다고 합니다. 
20살 때 쌍커플 한 수술 경력이 있습니다. 

Hospital Answer

  • Real Cosmetic Clinic

    Based on the pictures it seems that you would consider having Revisional Double eyelid surgery with Full Incision method in order to acheive the bigger fold and the outfold look. We could remove the excessive skin and some fat from the upper eyelids to make it lighter.

    All the post op care will be done within 5days after the surgery. It usually take one to two weeks for noticeable swellings and bruises to subside and three to six months to look natural.

    Thanks for your interest in Real Cosmetic Clinic and hope to hear from you soon.


  • 병원동행 :B&H 안심케어서비스
  • 숙소예약 :병원근처숙소예약대행
  • 전담케어 :전담관리사배정

