

 절개법(쌍꺼플)과 코끝성형입니다.

소견서는 국문과 영문으로 요청드립니다. 

Hospital Answer

  • The Grace Plastic Surgery
    For your eyes, you need incisional double fold and ptosis correction operation.

    And for your nose, since the tip seems flat, your nose requires a tip plasty.

    the cost will be 3,600,000 won for your eyes and 3,400,000 won for your nose.
    (tax will be charged extra to the amount)

  • Dream Plastic Surgery
    안녕하세요. 드림성형외과입니다.

    위의 환자분께는 절개법 쌍거풀과 코수술을 추천드립니다.


    코: 5,500,000원 입니다.

    재수술일 경우 비용은 달라지며, 내원시 원장님 상담 후 다른 수술항목이 추가 될 수도 있습니다.



    Hi, thanks for contacgint Dream Medical Group.
    We recommend incisional double eyelid surgery and rhinoplasty for the patient above.
    Eyes (incisional): 3,000,000KRW
    Nose: 5,500,000KRW

    Price may change if they are revisional cases, and additional surgeries may be added after the consultation with the doctor.

    Thank you.

Free service

  • Hospital companion :B & H Care Services
  • Hotel reservation :We can recommend a hotel near the hospital along the budget
  • 1:1 Care service :A personal coordinator will be assigned

Special story of Fix me up project team

We look for the best hospitals for an operation and monitor each facility’s service, satisfaction, and every case of the customers to ensure that we provide the surgery at the best condition and the lowest cost.