

눈 수술과 얼굴 윤곽 수술 원함
저렴한 가격을 원함  

Hospital Answer

  • Dream Plastic Surgery
    안녕하세요, 드림성형외과 입니다.

    문의주신 분은 절개법 쌍꺼풀 수술과 광대축소술, 사각턱축소술을 추천 드립니다.

    그리고 얼굴에 살이 많으신 편이라 추가로 아큐리프트(Acculift)와 개방형 코수술(코 연장술)을 함께 추천 드립니다.
    (코수술과 윤곽수술은 함께 진행이 어려운 점 참고 부탁드립니다.)

    비용은 아래에 기재하였으며, 환자분 병원 내원하셔서 원장님 상담 후 비용이 변동 될 수 있는 점 안내드립니다.

    윤곽+눈 비용: 18,000,000~19,000,000원
    코수술+아큐리프트: 11,800,000~12,000,000원


  • Apgujeong Seoul Plastic Surgery
    Hello, this is Apgujeong Seoul plastic surgery clinic.
    We've got your e-mail inquiry well.

    First of all, patient's eyes are a bit droppy, thick and looks like sleepy because the power of opening eyes is weak. so, having eyelids and powers on your eyes makes your eyes defined. This surgery is called, non-incision ptosis correction.
    Epicanthoplasty and lateral canthoplasty would be helpful to make your eyes bigger and defined if needed. In the picture, patient's right eye seems like going up a bit so, lateral canthoplasy makes patient's eye meek.
    The position of eyelid should be low so that it looks like natural and pretty because patent's skin is thick.

    non-incision ptosis correction - 300
    Epicanthoplasty , lateral canthoplasty - 150
    Fat removal - 50

    When we see the picture, patient's skin is thick and have lots of fat.
    Without bone surgery, it can be improved if patient to do lipo-suction and facial contouring injection to make good facial line. However, for the fundamental reduction, it's good to do bone surgery like zygoma, square jaw reduction and genio surgery. In addition, it's more effective to have facial contouring injection with these surgery to make thick skin thin and reduce fat cell.

    Zygoma - 900
    Square jaw + front jaw - 1600
    Facial contouring injection - 50 per once(1 part)/ at least 3-5 times, every second week.

    Also, we highly recommend to make nose higher because patient's nose is a bit low, which makes broaden face narrow and looks like three dimensional.

    Rhinoplasty - 800


  • 병원동행 :B&H 안심케어서비스
  • 숙소예약 :병원근처숙소예약대행
  • 전담케어 :전담관리사배정

