BongBong Breast reoperation

BongBong Breast reoperation

  •  BONGBONG Plastic surgery
  • Surgery price : Decision after consultation

Hospital Graph

  • Specialty

    Brand awareness





Procedure time Within 3 hours
Anesthesia Sleep or General anesthesia
Hospitalization No hospitalization
Removal of stitches
Outpatient treatment
Recovery time
More than 3,000 cases and has 10 years experiences’ Dr Sungsoo Park will use his expert surgery technique for reoperation. And BongBong’s Breast surgery do not need Hemostatic bag, hospitalization, Compress. 
Breast reoperation cases

1. Capsular contracture revision

2. Double bubble revision

3. Dissymmetry

4. Rippling – the soft tissue covered the implant are too scanty.

5. Bottoming out of implant lower part

6. Implant rupture

7. The sense of nipple lowering or disappearance. 

Endoscopic minimal incision breast surgery
  Bong Bong plastic surgery minimizes the complication
of Capsular contracture with no bleeding and no pain,

Full HD 첨단 내시경을 이용한
출혈없는 재수술 실현

듀얼소노캡스 (CAPS) 관리로
수술 후 회복 및 통증 완화
부드러운 촉감 실현

흉터 걱정 없는
최소절개 가슴재수술

LLLT (저출력 레이져 광선)
염증 조절 및 혈액 순환 관리로
빠른 회복을 도모


Special story of Fix me up project team

We look for the best hospitals for an operation and monitor each facility’s service, satisfaction, and every case of the customers to ensure that we provide the surgery at the best condition and the lowest cost.

Before & After

BongBong Breast reoperation