Tear drop implant + Accessory breast treatment

  •  JK Plastic surgery
  • ราคาศัลยกรรม : ตัดสินใจภายหลังเข้ารับคำปรึกษา

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  • ผู้เชี่ยวชาญ






เวลาสำหรับการผ่าตัด 1 hour 30minutes
วีธีการใช้ยาชา General anesthesia
การรักษาตัวในโรงพยาบาล 1 day hospital stay in the afternoon
การตัดไหม 10 days after
เวลาสำหรับการพักฟื้น 1 week


Breast augmentation – tear drop implants overwhelming choice for you !


    Surgery information


Anesthesia: general                    

Surgery duration: 1 hour 30min    

 Hospitalization : discharge on the same day
                     (over night stay for surgery in the evening)
 Stitch removal: 1 week after surgery
 Recovery period: daily life after 1 week




   An incision is made in the fold of the armpit, and a channel is cut to the breast.
   Scar often blends into the armpit crease and is very hard to detect.
   No breast tissue is injured and there is therefore no possible effect on breastfeeding


    An incision is made where the darker skin of the areola meets the lighter skin of
    the breast. This allows the scar to blend in with the natural change in flesh pigment
    and the surgeon to have the greatest control over the position of the implant,
    which leads to better accuracy of the implants' placement. It normally heals well
    and recommended for patients who have sagging breasts or take reoperation.
    it's not recommended for patients with a small areolas, sized less than 2.5cm,
    as the scar might be visible.


     This is another very common incision, made under your breast at the crease
      where the breast meets the body.
      Like, the nipple incision, the incision is close to the crease of the breast and  
      recommended for patients who have sagging breasts or take reoperation.
      It is hard to hide scar on small, tight breasts, without deep folds


    The cut is made on the rim of the navel, and underneath the skin through a tunnel of
     fatty tissue. There's no pain in your arms after surgery and it also guarantees that
     there will be no breast scarring but the TUBA incision is a blind procedure,
     which challenges the surgeon to perform accuracy in creating breast asymmetry.
     The procedure is inapplicable to cohesive gel and requires inflatable implants.

Breast implants placement

Dual plane technique (Partial under the muscle)

     The implant is placed under the pectoralis major muscle, with the inferior edge of
     the muscle released so that the lower portion of the implant is covered by gland.
     It gives you a more natural look with a soft transition from the flat
     of the upper chest wall to the round shape of the implant and much less visibility
     and feel of the implant edges.
     This is recommended for slender women and those with very little breast tissue.


Subglandular Breast Implants (Over the muscle)

  Subglandular placement puts the implant directly behind the mammary gland 
  and in front of the muscle.
  Athletic women may opt for this placement because it prevents flexing chest muscles
  from interfering with the look or integrity of the implant.
  Depending on the amount of available breast tissue, the implant may be seen
  "rippling" through the skin.

Submuscular placement (complete under the muscle)

 Submuscular placement puts the implant firmly behind the chest muscle wall.
 The implant is placed behind the pectoralis major muscle and behind all of the supporting  
 fascia (connective tissue) and non-pectoral muscle groups. If you have a small amount of sag 
 you may opt for this approach for some lift without breast uplift.




Before & After